Labyrinth Project Grants Application Form (Grants up to £25k)

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* Please read
before starting your application. Labyrinth Logo


to your application for the Empowering Women Fund. 


Empowering Women Fund, part of the Labyrinth Project, is a Department
for Culture, Media and Sport Tampon Tax funded grant scheme led by Solace
Women’s Aid (Solace).


The scheme
aims to address the need for more joined-up, holistic, women-centred services
to respond to the range of issues in women’s lives, which have been intensified
by the Covid-19 pandemic. These include violence against women and
girls, financial, employment and legal
issues. Grants will be available in England, Scotland & Northern


The priority
for the grant scheme is to build the capacity and support
sustainability of the women’s sector for the future. The Labyrinth project
aims to help women get to an empowered position, through  providing holistic wide-ranging support which
is needs led and service user focussed, placing women at the centre of
their own interventions. 


The grant
scheme will be divided into two strands: 

  • Seed funding grants from
    £500 to £1,000. 
  • Women Sector grants
    which will be split into small grants from £1,000 to £5,000
    and large grants from £5,000 to £25,000. 

Solace aims to
embed equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I) in all that we do and
support a system that is inclusive for everyone. We are committed to equal
access to opportunity and believe all women should have the opportunity
to benefit from the available funding, regardless of age, class,
disability, ethnicity, faith, income or sexuality.  We particularly
welcome applications from marginalised communities. Detailed
information can be found in the guidance on the types of women’s groups and
organisations that can apply. 


deadline for round one applications is 5pm on Friday 28th May
2021. We are
unable to accept applications after this time
. There will be
two rounds of funding available.

If you are applying as part of a partnership the
application form should be completed by the lead partner. Partnership
applications are only possible for the Women Sector grants. 


We will aim
to let you know if your application has been shortlisted by the end of
July 2021. We will let shortlisted applicants know if their application has
been successful by September 2021.  


ensure you read the guidance before starting the application form. If you would
like further guidance or support to make an application, please contact labyrinth@solacewomensaid.org

can download a Word version of the seed funding application form here. 

can download a Word version of the women’s grants application form here. 


When you
have completed and submitted the online application, you will receive
an email version of your application with confirmation that we have received

Pre-Application Eligibility Quiz

If you tick 'No' you are not eligible to apply.

If you tick 'No' you are not eligible to apply.

If you tick 'Yes' you are not eligible to apply.

We define ‘led by’ as when more than 75% of an organisation’s Trustees are people with lived experience, and more than 50% of staff members (including senior) are people with lived experience. If you tick 'No' you are not eligible to apply.

Labyrinth Project Grant

We define ‘led by’ as when more than 75% of an organisation’s trustees are people with lived experience, and more than 50% of staff members (including senior) are people with lived experience.

Your Details

Organisation Address

Primary Contact for this grant

Secondary Contact for this grant
We ask for two contacts in case we need to get in touch and one of you is away or ill.

Your Organisation

This information will help us understand the needs across England, Northern Ireland and Scotland and get grants to the places that need them most.

Financial Information

Funding Request

Please tell us why this work is needed, what you plan to do (be specific about activities e.g. if you plan to deliver workshops, tell us how many) and the difference you hope to make for the women you support.

For example, x number of women served with this funding or attended 15 sessions.

For example, 15 x will have financial independence, this will be recorded from short survey.

By targeted we mean more than 75% of the funding will benefit a particular group.

For example, if you are applying to provide counselling services, you will need to tell us what qualifications your counsellors have and the clinical supervision you have in place.

The project can only take place in one of the three nations and funding can not be spread between nations.


Note that grants are to cover a maximum of 12
months of costs and are up to a maximum of £20k.  If your request is for more than £20k, your
application will not be reviewed by funders. 

Seed funding grants are up to £1K. 

Note that your answer must match the total in your budget.

Please provide a breakdown of your funding request.

ensure you have checked what can the funding be used for in the guidance.
Please provide an appropriate amount of detail – if you provide only one item
and cost, with no breakdown, your application is less likely to be funded. The
higher the total cost, the more detail you should provide. 

For staff costs,
please break down as salary (pro rata) with number of hours/week and number of
weeks OR hourly rate x number of hours per week x number of weeks.

Budget notes: add notes that
explain each cost you have identified. 

any salaries listed, tell us whether each post is a current or new post.  

Information to upload / additional information to provide

Please note, the total upload limit is 35MB.

If you do not upload all the documents required to support your application, then your application will not be reviewed by funders.

For example, your Constitution

Your most recent annual accounts, OR, if your organisation is less than a year old, your most recent management accounts (or whatever document you use to keep track of the money the organisation receives and the money it spends).

Please include If your organisation is constituted but not registered. They should not be related to each other.

Reference 1

Reference 2

Please include if you work directly with service users.

In order to pay your grant (if successful),
your funder will need your organisation’s bank account details showing
organisation name, address, sort code and account number in the form of a
recent statement (last 3 months). Your bank account name must match your organisation’s
legal name as listed above. This should take the form of one of the following:

Please include if you have access to this, with transactions redacted.


Data Privacy Notice

Solace Women’s Aid is a controller under data
protection law of the personal data provided through the application form and
any further personal data collected on applicants and approved grantees. Should
you have any questions about how personal data is used by the funders, in the
first instance please contact us at dpo@solacewomensaid.org.

All information will be processed in compliance with the
Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation and
any other relevant data protection legislation.  

Solace Women’s Aid do not intend to share or trade
personal data with third parties for commercial purposes and will only process
your personal data as set out in their respective privacy notices, if it is
required or permitted by law, or with your consent.  

How we will use your personal data

The personal data we will collect will principally be the
name and contact details of grant applicants. This information will be
shared with the Grants Panel. We will process the personal data you
provide for the purposes of: 

  • Administering your grant application
    (assessing your application, grant due diligence); 
  • Activities connected with raising
    awareness about the Labyrinth Project; and 
  • Analysis and learning about
    grant-making to improve our understanding of fundraising (but on an anonymous
    or pseudonymous basis wherever possible). 

If your application is successful,
the Solace will then use your personal data for processing grant
payments, grant variations, grant monitoring and reporting.

We may share your personal data with third parties,
including funders, external consultants and external
auditors, police and regulatory bodies for the purpose of
determining, preventing or detecting crime; or ensuring that no organisation is
receiving duplicate funding; or the validation of contracts; or where this is
otherwise required or permitted by law.  

We rely on the legitimate interest basis to collect and
use personal data about applicants and approved grantees for the purposes of
administering the grant application, promotional activities and analysis and

You have rights
under data protection law to control your personal data. If you have any questions or concerns about
this privacy policy and our privacy practices or if you wish to file a
complaint, please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing dpo@solacewomensaid.org.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with
the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you believe your data has been
processed in a way that does not comply with the GDPR. You can do so by calling
the ICO helpline on 0303 123 1113 or via their website.

For further information about how Solace Women’s
Aid uses personal data please see our Privacy Policy: www.solacewomensaid.org/privacy-policy.