Our statement on the ONS statistics on domestic abuse in England and Wales: November 2021

Solace, one of the largest domestic abuse charities in the UK say this makes for harrowing reading, with over 90,000 domestic abuse-related crimes recorded by the police in London in the year to March 2021, and an increase overall in England and Wales of 6% on the previous year and we know that most victims do not report their abuse to the police and that the pandemic has led to a rise in domestic abuse, so these figures released today are likely to just show a very small part of the true picture. 
Despite various strategies and pieces of legislation to try and address this, it is clear that properly investing in tackling violence against women is what is needed. This includes funding for specialist ‘by and for’ support services, appropriate and affordable refuge spaces and move on accommodation, training for police and statutory services, and therapeutic support for victims, children exposed to domestic abuse and perpetrators. 

Without sufficient funding, it is likely we will see the situation worsen still over the coming 12 months.

View the ONS figures here.

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