Services for Women in the UK Informational Videos (Translations Available)

This video provides information on services available to women in the UK, particularly those who may have experienced harmful practices. The three-minute animation aims to raise awareness about free and welcoming services to support women, for example, women’s centres, sexual health services, and support for sexual violence or domestic abuse:

Created by BAME community activist women in the UK with the Women’s Support Project, funded by the Labyrinth partnership.

This film is available in the following languages: Arabic, English, French, Lingala, Swahili. All versions have English subtitles.

Igizo la dakika tatu la kuongeza ufahamu kuhusu huduma za bure za kusaidia wanawake, kwa mfano vituo vya wanawake, huduma za afya ya uzazi/kujamiana na misaada dhidi ya unyanyasaji wa kijinsia na kifamilia.

Bililingi oyo ya miniti misato esalami pona boyebisi bato na maye matali bisika basi boko zwaka lisungi ndakisa Women’s centres, Sexual health Services, na mpe lisungi mpona basi baye basangisa na bango nzoto na Makasi, to mpe baye ba betamaka to mpe bavandi na mabala ya minyokoli.

Animation de trois minutes pour faire connaître les services gratuits et accueillants pour soutenir les femmes, par exemple, les centres de femmes, les services de santé sexuelle et le soutien en cas de violence sexuelle ou de violence conjugale.

كارتون مدته ثلاث دقائق لزيادة الوعي حول الخدمات الترحيبية المجانية الداعمة للنساء على سبيل المثال مراكز النساء، خدمات الصحة الجنسية، والعون في العنف الجنسي او الاسري.

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