With the Cost of Living Crisis affecting us all, donations are a way that you can still support the women and children in our services, without breaking the bank. Selling your pre-loved items can be a way for you to make a little cash, and support our services. We also welcome donations to our services directly. Check out the list of items below and submit the form below with the details of your items.
Sell to Donate
We all have those clothes that stay tucked away at the back of the drawers, never to see the light of day. Or that video game that you’ve been keeping just in case you ever buy that console again. If you’re looking to do a clean out of your loved but unused things, you can sell your items on sites like Thrift + or eBay, and put the money towards supporting Solace’s services. Choose anywhere from 10% to 100% of the sale price to go to Solace. Check out these easy ways to sell for Solace!
Simply order a free Thrift + bag on their website, fill it with your donated items and send back it back for Thrift + to work their magic and sell your items. You can choose for your profits to go either 100% to Solace, 100% in Thrift + credits, or 50/50 between your Thrift + credits and our services. Help support sustainable fashion and our life-saving services, all in one bag.
Just like you would with any other sale on eBay, login, list your item and then at the bottom, right after listing preferences, you can choose to donate a portion of the sale. Select your chosen percentage and type in “Solace Women’s Aid” in the “Donate to” search box. Once your item has been sold, your donation will automatically go towards supporting the women and children in our services.
Donate Your Goods
Arriving at refuge can be daunting and traumatic. Many women will have left home with only a few basic items, others will arrive with nothing at all. To help women settle in when they arrive we always give them an essentials welcome pack, with a few basics for their stay and a small gift for their children.
We’ve created a simple list so you know what items you can donate and those we don’t accept for health and safety reasons. Simply check the list and complete the form below.
If you would like to donate goods, please fill out the form below and our staff will get back to you if the items are needed.
For larger corporate goods donations please contact fundraising@solacewomensaid.org

Must have basics…
- Sanitary protection
- New women’s basic toiletries including body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair brushes
- New single bed linen – duvets, pillows, duvet sets
- New hand & bath towels
- New cot linen
We love to receive…
- New soft toys for child up to 5 years old
- New books & games for children up 12 years old
- New luxury toiletries for women – hand cream, body cream, perfume, bath products
- New make up
- New/nearly new women’s clothes for interviews
- New/nearly new clothes for small children up to age 5 years
- New/nearly new books for women
- High-street shopping vouchers
- Cards for women with words of inspiration & well wishes
- Long-life and tinned food
Occasionally needed…
- Car seats
- Travel Cots
- Prams and buggies
Sorry these items aren’t accepted…
- Second hand soft toys
- Formula milk for babies
- Second hand bedding