Our Irish & Irish Traveller Project provides free, confidential & specialist support for women and girls of Irish descent in London.
We are proud to work in partnership with the Traveller Movement to identify women in the hard to reach Gypsy, Roma, Traveller community and respond to emergency and long-term needs of vulnerable women and children.
The Traveller Movement (TM) is an award winning leading national charity committed to the fulfilment of human rights for ethnic minority Gypsy Roma and Traveller people. They have particular expertise in tackling local issues and shaping national policies.
This is achieved by a proactive community advocacy strategy, capacity building and acting as a bridge between the GRT sector, service providers and policy makers, thereby stimulating debate and promoting forward-looking strategies to advance equality, civic engagement, inclusion and community cohesion.
We acknowledge and condemn pervasive discrimination and prejudice experienced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
Recently they have set up a new project – GRT Support service, which provides information on how to support women experiencing domestic abuse. There is more information here:
For more information generally then contact www.travellermovement.org.uk
Listen to our interview with Yvonne MacNamara, CEO here: