Group of young people

Solace for Young People

Our Children and Young People service delivers a wide range of provisions, both group and 1:1, from prevention to critical intervention, including advocacy, counselling and education.

Services are based across several schools, communities, hospitals, and refuge accommodations. Our work with CYP is crucial in our effort to prevent and end VAWG. Each service works in partnership with service users and professionals to provide CYP with a safe, trauma-informed, and non-judgemental space to unpack experiences, reduce risk, and develop healthy relationships. Our approach is strength-based and young-person centred to empower our service users to build safer, healthier, and happier lives.

The Service is comprised of three teams, each with different projects and initiatives:

  1. Major Trauma Centre Team (MTC)
  2. Family Support Workers (FSW)
  3. Early Intervention & Prevention Team (EI&P)

Below are the details, criteria, and contact/referral processes for each project under the Service.

Listen to our Changemakers #GirlTalk to support #TheBigGive.

Some of our Changemakers made a video called ‘Dear Dads’, inviting fathers to join the conversation and be allies to their daughters. Watch below.

We also held a showcase of the young people’s work at the end of 2022. Click below to see an overview.

Haringey Campaigns

#ReframeThe Blame Part 1 (Young Women)
#ReframeTheBlame – Part 2 (Young Men)
#ReframeTheBlame – Part 3 – (Professionals)

“I loved learning about bullying as I was bullied in the past and did not have a chance to talk about it or understand why someone would bully others. Now I have better understanding and know what to do in similar situations, and how to keep safe.”

An 11 year old participant

Solace for Young People services