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London VAWG & Housing Group – Long Term Housing

In 2017 the London VAWG & Housing Group was established to promote access to safe and settled housing for those who need to move as a result of VAWG…

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Making Women Count

This report sets out the key findings and learning from the initial pilot project of the women’s rough sleeping census, which was conducted across London boroughs in October 2022……

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New Resources (New COVID-19 related resources)

New COVID-19 related resources. …

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Domestic Abuse, Housing, Report, Research

Safe as Houses Report: How the system is failing women and children fleeing abuse in London

The Safe as Houses report reaffirms our long-term commitment to putting housing at the top of the agenda for women fleeing VAWG and builds on our report published in 2016, ‘The Price of Safety’….

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Solace 40 2023 Calendar

Printable Solace 40 calendar to support you to track your miles!…

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