During the pandemic I temped for Solace Women’s Aid at their Angel Square location.
Whilst working there, I had a wonderful discovery, that is, I was born into one of their refuge centres. This was a bit of a moment for me. I had seen the address in personal documents whilst growing-up. My mum had referred to the location as a ‘temporary housing option’ whilst she was separated from my dad.
Sadly, both of my parents have passed and I am estranged from my wider family. So, for me I felt extremely connected and wanted to give something back.
I now volunteer for Solace with North London Rape Crisis’ on their helpline. And now, I also have the privilege of being an ambassador for Solace.
I love that I have been given the chance to give something back. I know how important it is to help someone in need, after all, someone did the very same for my mum, which means that I am ok today.
I feel so incredibly connected or affiliated with the VAWG sector, I would like to try and make a career here where I can, in order to help people get back on their feet after a traumatic life event, I want people to know, with true determination and the right support, and survivor can thrive following a traumatic event!
I do this for my mum, who often said that she wished it was easier for women to leave an abusive relationship, especially with children. My mum tried to leave my dad on several occasions, this was the late 1960’s. In those days, the woman was seen as “wayward woman” for wanting to break up the family home! She was finally successful in securing a divorce in 1976. She was granted access to me and she moved into Milner Square in Islington. We were lucky enough to share residence with the Lloyd-Pack family which brought some much deserved glitz and glamour. I remember a happy childhood. I have Solace Women’s Aid to thank for that!